Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blind Date gone wrong

Soon to finally meet this wonderful man Ive been talking to over the Internet, by the sounds of it were incredibly  alike, we like to do the same things we love to watch the same shows but most of all we love to laugh together. Thinking about how excited I am to meet this love of my life. Friday night is coming up quick, as I'm trying to plan out what to wear, how to do my make up and thinking of ways to start conversation I end up thinking of all the worse things that could happen. What if hes really not my type, what if hes not what he says he is, not how he acts over the computer but most of all not the guy I fell in love with. What if I end up walking up to the wrong person. Its now Friday night and we are going to meet at the fancy romantic bridge down town. I walk up there and no one is there my mind is going insane I don't know what to think, did he ditch me? maybe this was all a set up and he wasn't real. My heart is torn until I hear my name "Andrea!" I quickly whip my head to where I heard the voice from. I yell back confused to as if it was him or not "Dan?" I walk closer to him and he has this huge grin on his face, his cheeks are blushing and his eyes are wide like he was surprised that I actually showed up. He gave me a hug but I could tell this just wasn't what I was expecting, this wasn't the guy I was talking to but I guess it was. As he starts off the conversation "what would you like to do on this wonderful evening Andrea?"
I replied, "It is up to you Dan, I'm up to do anything."
He quickly responded, " Are you hungry? I'm really craving McDonald's."
I didn't know what to reply back, I'm not the type to eat out, especially at McDonald's, my fridge is full of salads and healthy foods, but by the look of him he looks like he eats out quite a bit. I quietly said, "Well I don't normally eat out often I like to eat healthy and stay fit but if your hungry we can go there, ill just get a little something to drink."
As Dan responded he didn't seem to care that I wasn't going to eat but he wanted to go anyways. "Then lets go," Dan said "I'm starving." We were walking it wasn't awkward or anything but I couldn't stop thinking about how this wasn't the guy that I met online, this just wasn't him, he did not seem like this type, I wasn't sure about this.

We then arrived at McDonald's and he ordered more than I could ever imagine, I didn't like this environment I was in, I couldn't stand the smell, I couldn't stand how much grease was in this burger he was eating, I was extremely discus ted and Dan could tell by my facial expressions. He tried to convince me to get something but I didn't. I was so close to walking out and just heading home, I did not like this but I decided to stay calm for awhile. Then Dan decided to open his mouth and tell me how he didn't like my lifestyle and how picky I was. I stood up faster than a bolt of lightening and screamed, "My lifestyle? look at yourself, at least I watch the way I eat and pay attention to my body, Your fat, your rude and nothing like I expected." I stormed out and decided to never talk to him again even after I thought about what I said and how rude it was. The way he acted over the Internet was a totally different person then who he really was. I then learnt to never go on Internet dating sites and just to meet people in person. Hoping I find the real man and that I'm not forever alone.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Public display of Disaffection"

1)        Reading the article "public display of disaffection" really opens your eyes. Explaining how many people are now addicted to their cellular devices and how inconsiderate it is bringing out your cell phone in a public place or even when your in the middle of a conversation. This article gives statistics as to how many motor vehicle crashes there are as well as how many people are actually addicted to these cellular devices. As more and more people are getting addicted, Eyring quotes, "We're losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations." Being someone who uses their cell phone everyday, we all notice when people pay more attention to their cell phone when were trying to engage in a conversation, or seeing people driving around talking on their cell phone, even now that it is illegal. It all goes to show how addicted some people really are just to one simple thing such as texting, facebook or twitter. " 61 percent said it was impolite to send a thank-you note via E-mail," I agree with this quote but these days everything revolves around the texting and E-mailing that no one really thinks of it as rude and dis considerate anymore. When more and more people are going to public meetings or out for dinner with a group of people, cellular addicts think as though it is no big deal to answer your cell phone during these meetings or during dinner time with family or friends although most people really find it hard to concentrate, as Emberson wrote in the article, "when we don't know what is being said on the other end of the conversation, its distracting because were all trying to predict what the person is saying," when people are addicted to their cell phone they don't realize what these people are really thinking. I agree with all of these quotes and most of the article even though I am on my phone everyday, people have lost consideration towards their peers and don't think its a big deal when someone just pulls out their phone even though they know its rude and disturbing towards others.

2)     I believe that cell phones are acceptable at times you are not around or with people trying to engage in a conversation. I find that cell phones should not be used in classes or during interviews, meetings and other types of gatherings or learning times, In my opinion I find it disrespectful, rude and very inconsiderate. I find it acceptable to have your cell phone on you at all times in case of an emergency as well as if someone needs to get ahold of you because of an emergency, I do not believe that just because you have a cell phone on you that should be on its texting and not paying attention. Trying to engage in a conversation with someone while they are trying to text and have a conversation with someone else on the phone is disgustingly annoying and straight up rude. People being addicted to their cell phones have caused 867 people to die in major car accidents while talking or texting. Due to texting in a classroom during a lesson, students are giving their full attention which means they aren't comprehending the whole lesson, and students who keep their phones away during a lesson increase 10% for their grade point average. Using your cell phone is not only addicting but rude, inconsiderate and not polite. I do not agree with the fact of students being on their cell phone all day nor people texting while in a meeting. Very distracting.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Novel Journal Entry, Book - "Candy"

 " I mean, when your with someone you really like and you haven't known them that long and they start sneaking off to take drugs...what the hell are you supposed to do? Ignore it? Say something? Run away? " pg. 91

I am connecting this quote to myself and something that has happened in my personal life. In this quote Joe was probably feeling just like how I felt when my sister had done this to me, neglected, confused and heart broken.  I am connecting myself to Joe in this quote in many different ways, Joe loves Candy as he described it sounded just like how I love my sister. Seeing someone you love go do drugs and not tell you what is going on is really heart wrenching. Connecting myself to Joe made me realize that maybe its not only me that things such as this happen to. This deception made me realize that I should have been aware of these actions she was hiding from her closest sister as well as her parents and everyone around her. Our lives along with hers would only get worse from here. The way that Candy is hiding doing the drugs from Joe is just like how my sister acted when we had a day together and she took off to do drugs and hid it from me. Its very heart breaking and you don't know what to do at the time when it happens, as Joe said he didn't know if he should "ignore it, say something or just run away." The pain and shock it brings to you when you realize a loved one is doing drugs makes you not realize what you really should do when something like this is happening. This quote shows that Candy is just going to get worse in the long run and not make things better, she may even drag Joe into doing these drugs, just as my sister did. My sister tried discouraging me from talking to someone about it and keeping it to my self or even trying to make me do the drugs with her. Closer to the end of the book I hope to see Joe realize what Candy is doing to him and that he needs to get away, even with my sister it took me a few weeks to realize I needed to get away and not have her as my closest sister or best friend. It is very difficult to pull away from your best sister or best friend and try not to let them pull you down with them as they are going down hill.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Assignment #1 Superpower.

Imagine, imagine if you could mysteriously open a door without touching the handle or door itself, or if you could turn off the lights without anyone knowing it was you. If I could have any superpower, I would choose being able to control anything and everything with my eyes, my beautiful blue eyes. For example, I could be sitting in my chair at school and suddenly, Ittia's hair is a chaotic mess. I could do life saving things such as, spotting a major vehicle accident about to happen and being able to control what way the vehicles swerve or make them stop so the accident doesn't happen, as well as if a avalanche were to tumble down a mountain extremely fast, I could stop it with my eyes and put it back into ever specific place as it was before so it does not collapse and end up hurting someone severely or end up ending someones life. I could also pull awesome pranks like moving the chair when someone is about to sit down, I could make a person spin in three circles without them even knowing who did it nor how they did it. I could re-arrange someones belongings so they think they misplaced it them self. If I had this superpower I would use it to my ability and make sure I could help other people in many different ways. This superpower could be very life saving and would be an amazing power to have.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Newspaper Article scene summary - Macbeth

Family of Macduff, Dead.

Macbeth was gone to see the witches once again, wanting to know the answers about what was going on. The witches then gave him a potion that made him hallucinate, and not to worry about Macduff, and gave him the strength to kill him too, “Then live, Macduff. I don't need to be afraid of you. But...better be absolutely certain. I'll make sure you don't live. That way, I won’t need to worry about you and I can sleep soundly at night." The strength Macbeth got from these witches made him believe he could murder Macduff and his family.

Lady Macduff and Ross were talking about Macduff and how he has not returned back home. Ross then leaves the castle, lady Macduff and Macduff 's son were having a conversation kept that conversation going, until... a few big knocks came from the door, killers knocked down the door and began to scream and yell at the two. Macduff's son kicked him in the knee and yelled "You're a liar, you shag-haired criminal!" and tried to walk back to lady Macduff, but unfortunately got stabbed. Then not knowing what happened, a scream from inside got every one's attention from outside.

Macduff and Malcolm had a conversation about how Macduff left his wife and children when he knew they were in danger, and he didn't even say good bye. Macduff stated that he needs to worry about his own safety and not theirs. Macduff believed that a crime is a crime and it can happen whenever and wherever. As Malcolm and Macduff were talking Macduff then said he wants to kill the tyrant and the country will have more misery than it had before. Macduff didn't believe that the death of his son and wife was actually true, but then, he gets told “Your castle was surprised. Your wife and children were savagely slaughtered. If I was to give you the full details... to hear them would kill you too." After hearing that news Macduff does not believe that Macbeth should still be alive as well as his army... We don't know what happened next, but will soon find out.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


What happens when we die? Where do we go? What do we do? Do we turn into a animal, or a piece of nature? Many religions have many different thoughts on what happens when we die. Some people think we go to heaven if were good, and hell if were bad. Some people believe we turn into a different piece of nature, like trees or grass, and some people believe we turn into animals during the after life. What do you believe happens during the afterlife?

Protestants were some of the people who believe that there is a heaven and a hell. When you do a good deed and live a good life you will go to heaven. In heaven it is a glorious place to be, free of any types of diseases, you will never be depressed in your afterlife if you are up in heaven. You live in new spiritual bodies in the presents of Jesus Christ. Heaven is the best place to be in your afterlife. On the other hand, if your bad, rude and do anything to break the law or hurt the rules of God, you will go to hell. Hell is a place where the people who go there in there after life will be punished with no hope for them at all. Protestants believe that hell is a repulsive place with flash eating worms and covered in blood and fire everywhere. They believe that most people end up going to hell in there after life, but few people are "saved" and end up going to heaven.

Mormons believe that there is not only but but three heavens. The highest heaven is where people who were married in a Mormon temple and who had there marriage sealed for eternity. During the afterlife these couples would eventually turn into the god and goddess, which means the husband will be in charge of the entire universe. The highest level of heaven is called the "Celestial Kingdom." The next level of heaven is called the "Terrestrial Kingdom," people who were liars, adulterers, sorcerers and whore mongers. They believed that most people went to this heaven. Mormons believe that the third heaven is hell, but they don't fully believe in hell, they say that very few people stay there forever and that most people will pass into the "Terrestrial Kingdom."  People who were Mormons in their younger ages and decided to leave the religion will then go to hell. As well as people who commit a serious crime such as murder and pre-marital sex. They get let into the Terrestrial Kingdom because after they committed a serious sin they never did it again and they ended up getting back gods forgiveness. 

Egyptian people believe that by weighing the peoples hearts they would know what to do with these people. People with heavy hearts are swallowed by a creature with a crocodile shape head named "Devourer of souls."  The good people are led to the "Happy Fields" where they joined the "god of the underworld."  All Egyptian people prepared themselves for their afterlife and believed that their afterlife was configured by their earthly means.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One Year to Live

It was just another day going for my yearly check up at the doctor. I thought that everything was going good and that I’m healthy and ready to go. The doctor took my blood and left for about 10 minuets, my mother and I were just sitting there talking. The doctor walked in with a blank face, and then he began telling us “Cherilynn, you are not going to like hearing this, we got the results from your blood test you have a high risk of getting blood clots in your brain. There will be no way of getting rid of this because of how far along these blood clots are. I am really sorry to break the news to you. You have approximately a year to live.” I began to cry, as well as think really hard at the same time. What will I do before I die? The first thing to come to my mind would be to fly to Airdrie, and see my family and be able to say bye to them all before this life of mine does come to an end. I will live my life to the fullest and go to school every day like a normal teenager, I will be happy and not show my feelings to attract attention. As much as I show that I’m happy outside, my feelings on the inside are not very happy. I do not like the feeling of knowing I could be dying in about a year. Knowing how long I have to live, I would try to make peace with everyone and love life until the day I die. As I get bedridden I will not depend on people to do everything for me and try to do most things by myself. Now it has come to the time that I can’t even try to help my self and do things by my self, I have got very selfish and wanting everyone to do everything for me. The time has come; it’s been a day to a year that the doctor has told me I have a year to live. I stay in my bed and don’t do much; I am very depressed and quiet. I do not talk to many people. Live life to the fullest because no one ever knows when the time will come.