Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blind Date gone wrong

Soon to finally meet this wonderful man Ive been talking to over the Internet, by the sounds of it were incredibly  alike, we like to do the same things we love to watch the same shows but most of all we love to laugh together. Thinking about how excited I am to meet this love of my life. Friday night is coming up quick, as I'm trying to plan out what to wear, how to do my make up and thinking of ways to start conversation I end up thinking of all the worse things that could happen. What if hes really not my type, what if hes not what he says he is, not how he acts over the computer but most of all not the guy I fell in love with. What if I end up walking up to the wrong person. Its now Friday night and we are going to meet at the fancy romantic bridge down town. I walk up there and no one is there my mind is going insane I don't know what to think, did he ditch me? maybe this was all a set up and he wasn't real. My heart is torn until I hear my name "Andrea!" I quickly whip my head to where I heard the voice from. I yell back confused to as if it was him or not "Dan?" I walk closer to him and he has this huge grin on his face, his cheeks are blushing and his eyes are wide like he was surprised that I actually showed up. He gave me a hug but I could tell this just wasn't what I was expecting, this wasn't the guy I was talking to but I guess it was. As he starts off the conversation "what would you like to do on this wonderful evening Andrea?"
I replied, "It is up to you Dan, I'm up to do anything."
He quickly responded, " Are you hungry? I'm really craving McDonald's."
I didn't know what to reply back, I'm not the type to eat out, especially at McDonald's, my fridge is full of salads and healthy foods, but by the look of him he looks like he eats out quite a bit. I quietly said, "Well I don't normally eat out often I like to eat healthy and stay fit but if your hungry we can go there, ill just get a little something to drink."
As Dan responded he didn't seem to care that I wasn't going to eat but he wanted to go anyways. "Then lets go," Dan said "I'm starving." We were walking it wasn't awkward or anything but I couldn't stop thinking about how this wasn't the guy that I met online, this just wasn't him, he did not seem like this type, I wasn't sure about this.

We then arrived at McDonald's and he ordered more than I could ever imagine, I didn't like this environment I was in, I couldn't stand the smell, I couldn't stand how much grease was in this burger he was eating, I was extremely discus ted and Dan could tell by my facial expressions. He tried to convince me to get something but I didn't. I was so close to walking out and just heading home, I did not like this but I decided to stay calm for awhile. Then Dan decided to open his mouth and tell me how he didn't like my lifestyle and how picky I was. I stood up faster than a bolt of lightening and screamed, "My lifestyle? look at yourself, at least I watch the way I eat and pay attention to my body, Your fat, your rude and nothing like I expected." I stormed out and decided to never talk to him again even after I thought about what I said and how rude it was. The way he acted over the Internet was a totally different person then who he really was. I then learnt to never go on Internet dating sites and just to meet people in person. Hoping I find the real man and that I'm not forever alone.


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