Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Public display of Disaffection"

1)        Reading the article "public display of disaffection" really opens your eyes. Explaining how many people are now addicted to their cellular devices and how inconsiderate it is bringing out your cell phone in a public place or even when your in the middle of a conversation. This article gives statistics as to how many motor vehicle crashes there are as well as how many people are actually addicted to these cellular devices. As more and more people are getting addicted, Eyring quotes, "We're losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations." Being someone who uses their cell phone everyday, we all notice when people pay more attention to their cell phone when were trying to engage in a conversation, or seeing people driving around talking on their cell phone, even now that it is illegal. It all goes to show how addicted some people really are just to one simple thing such as texting, facebook or twitter. " 61 percent said it was impolite to send a thank-you note via E-mail," I agree with this quote but these days everything revolves around the texting and E-mailing that no one really thinks of it as rude and dis considerate anymore. When more and more people are going to public meetings or out for dinner with a group of people, cellular addicts think as though it is no big deal to answer your cell phone during these meetings or during dinner time with family or friends although most people really find it hard to concentrate, as Emberson wrote in the article, "when we don't know what is being said on the other end of the conversation, its distracting because were all trying to predict what the person is saying," when people are addicted to their cell phone they don't realize what these people are really thinking. I agree with all of these quotes and most of the article even though I am on my phone everyday, people have lost consideration towards their peers and don't think its a big deal when someone just pulls out their phone even though they know its rude and disturbing towards others.

2)     I believe that cell phones are acceptable at times you are not around or with people trying to engage in a conversation. I find that cell phones should not be used in classes or during interviews, meetings and other types of gatherings or learning times, In my opinion I find it disrespectful, rude and very inconsiderate. I find it acceptable to have your cell phone on you at all times in case of an emergency as well as if someone needs to get ahold of you because of an emergency, I do not believe that just because you have a cell phone on you that should be on its texting and not paying attention. Trying to engage in a conversation with someone while they are trying to text and have a conversation with someone else on the phone is disgustingly annoying and straight up rude. People being addicted to their cell phones have caused 867 people to die in major car accidents while talking or texting. Due to texting in a classroom during a lesson, students are giving their full attention which means they aren't comprehending the whole lesson, and students who keep their phones away during a lesson increase 10% for their grade point average. Using your cell phone is not only addicting but rude, inconsiderate and not polite. I do not agree with the fact of students being on their cell phone all day nor people texting while in a meeting. Very distracting.

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