Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Novel Journal Entry, Book - "Candy"

 " I mean, when your with someone you really like and you haven't known them that long and they start sneaking off to take drugs...what the hell are you supposed to do? Ignore it? Say something? Run away? " pg. 91

I am connecting this quote to myself and something that has happened in my personal life. In this quote Joe was probably feeling just like how I felt when my sister had done this to me, neglected, confused and heart broken.  I am connecting myself to Joe in this quote in many different ways, Joe loves Candy as he described it sounded just like how I love my sister. Seeing someone you love go do drugs and not tell you what is going on is really heart wrenching. Connecting myself to Joe made me realize that maybe its not only me that things such as this happen to. This deception made me realize that I should have been aware of these actions she was hiding from her closest sister as well as her parents and everyone around her. Our lives along with hers would only get worse from here. The way that Candy is hiding doing the drugs from Joe is just like how my sister acted when we had a day together and she took off to do drugs and hid it from me. Its very heart breaking and you don't know what to do at the time when it happens, as Joe said he didn't know if he should "ignore it, say something or just run away." The pain and shock it brings to you when you realize a loved one is doing drugs makes you not realize what you really should do when something like this is happening. This quote shows that Candy is just going to get worse in the long run and not make things better, she may even drag Joe into doing these drugs, just as my sister did. My sister tried discouraging me from talking to someone about it and keeping it to my self or even trying to make me do the drugs with her. Closer to the end of the book I hope to see Joe realize what Candy is doing to him and that he needs to get away, even with my sister it took me a few weeks to realize I needed to get away and not have her as my closest sister or best friend. It is very difficult to pull away from your best sister or best friend and try not to let them pull you down with them as they are going down hill.